White squares on keyboard
does anyone know how to get rid of thes on the keyboard of my iPhone 11 Pro Max?
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
does anyone know how to get rid of thes on the keyboard of my iPhone 11 Pro Max?
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
Hello, Jeh1295.
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
I understand that you have several white squares on the keyboard for your iPhone. I'd like to help. Are you using any third party keyboards? About the keyboards settings on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch If so, try removing the keyboard to see if that helps.
If you're not, does restarting your iPhone resolve the issue? Restart your iPhone
Are you able to still use those keys?
Does this appear with a specific app or all apps? Like iMessage or email?
What's your current iOS version? Go to Settings > General > About to find it.
Keep me updated.
i have an i phone 8 and this appeared on my keyboard today and it’s on all my messaging apps whenever i open the key board , i only have the emoji keyboard as an add on but i’ve had it since i got the phone
I have an XS Max, same issue. My google news feed stopped providing a feed, so I deleted the app and reinstalled. The feed still didn’t work, I then did another hard reset to find these white tiles over the backspace and keyboard select buttons. I’ve done multiple resets, but they’re still there, nothing has worked.
I have an iPhone X and it too is displaying the rectangles. I’ve completely powered down the phone numerous times and have no pending updates. the display has now gone from one rectangle appearing to four.
I have the same problem, squares come and goes specially when I use the Spanish keyboard. Happened since the last update. Reset phone, close app, only in iMessage is the display. Sometimes one place, then it shows like the screen on top. The keyboard works fine, so far. Lets see.
iPhone 8, latest update.
I got the same problem and I restarted and then the white squares went but my WhatsApp keyboard, the ‘return’ button is gray and it doesn’t work. This has only happened in my WhatsApp keyboard and in other keyboards it’s working. I have an iPhone 7+ With iOS 13.4.1
I had the same issue . After a few power cycles and resetting my network settings the boxes went away . It only lasted about 4 days after I installed the most recent update
(I have an iPhone 8plus but the issue is within the operating system)
I have finally eliminated the white rectangles for good. You need to go into Settings-General-Keyboard and remove the Emoji keyboard, then power down your phone and restart it. You'll notice the white rectangles (or wavy bars) have disappeared from the Messages keyboard on the screen. You can then add the Emoji Keyboard back in via Settings-General-Keyboard.
So this looks like a common OS problem, i have found the "Go to keyboard option in General, and swithch the memoji keyboard off, turn the phone off and back on" helps as my white spots have now gone..ill keep you posted if they reappear
Hi there, I’m getting this same issue since I updated my iPhone XS to 13.5!.
I've noticed it happens when I’m on certain websites and using the keyboard to put details in etc ...
I have tried Resetting and all that but they just come back after a while!.
is there any permanent fix or will I have to wait for a iOS update?!.
thank you.
My keyboard was displaying the white tiles as well. I did a hard reset and they’re gone now. I have the iPhone 11 pro max
I did hard start reset
iPhone 11 Pro max
please help me!
I have these wavy bars. Why did they show up and how do I get rid of them? I have a Max Pro 11
Updating the software got rid my squares. Thanks for the tip
White squares on keyboard