By "different tempo" I assume that you are talking about a sync issue. Sync issues can occur when the audio is recorded on a different device than the video. Could be a difference in sample rates, 44.1 kHz versus 48 kHz. A sample rate of 44.1 kHz plays slightly slower than 48 kHz. Or perhaps the video is running a little faster than the audio clip.
You might try expanding out your time line and control-clicking on either the audio clip or the video clip in the timline, and choosing Show Speed Editor from the drop down menu. That will cause a slider handle to appear in the upper right hand corner of the clip that you can use to extend or shrink the size of the clip to increase or decrease its speed. You might be able to use that feature to toggle either the video or audio very slightly to align the audio with the video.
Otherwise, you would need to use an audio editing app to make the finite adjustment, or resample the audio clip if necessary.
-- Rich