After deleting, other text is written over
I have been having this problem with Mac OS X for a long time and on multiple machines. It occurs in multiple apps and browsers, which made me think that there was some setting I had wrong, but I have been able to find nothing of use searching the internet.
When I highlight some text and delete it, the selected area stays selected, basically selecting the next set of characters. So when I continue typing, I type over that bit of select text.
For example, say I have the following selected between the brackets: The quick [brown fox] jumps over the lazy dog.
Now after I delete the text, the following text between the brackets will be selected: The quick [ jumps ov]er the lazy dog.
The expected result would be to have no text selected and the cursor simply at the the 'J' (or space before) in the word jumps.
It's incredibly annoying because I end writing over text that I still want.
Any help would be much appreciated. I'm currently running Catalina 10.15.4 on a 2015 MBP.
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.15