Open Keychain Access in Utilities, enter the part after the @ sign in the search bar, hit enter
You may have multiple entries. You can edit them or delete them & start over.
Mail will most often use the oldest passwords.
The Password rejection can confuse people since it's a catch all meaning...
This Password, Username, Authentication method... is not recognized on this Port to this Server, more than one entry in Keychain for each in/out entry, or a server end problem.
If using a browser to login via WebMail works it's not Name or Password, but one of the other ones.
The receiving email ports are:
IMAP is port 143
IMAP-SSL is port 993
POP is port 110
POP-SSL is port 995
Outgoing ports are...
SMTP and SMTP-SSL is on ports 25, 587 and 465. Port 587 has to be SSL, and port 465 is enforced TLS-wrapped and is generally used by Outlook users.