Convert table to text Pages 10 (6748)...
How do I convert a table to text? There's another popular word processor that has a command to do this, IIRC, but it doesn't appear to exist in Pages. Any ideas?
How do I convert a table to text? There's another popular word processor that has a command to do this, IIRC, but it doesn't appear to exist in Pages. Any ideas?
Pages 10 lacks any convenient feature to convert table to text, or the obverse.
Table to Text
Text to Table
Pages 10 lacks any convenient feature to convert table to text, or the obverse.
Table to Text
Text to Table
Hi Harry,
There was another popular word processing and page layout application for Macintosh that could do this with a menu command. But that one, named Pages '09 was discontinued in 2010.
Its name, Pages, was assigned to a newly created word processing and page layout application that was introduced as Pages v5, and is currently known as Pages 10. The new application was missing several features supported by the previous one. Some have since been added to the new software, some new ones have been added as well.
Text to Table and Table to Text isn't one of them.
To convert a Table to Text:
Another slighly more automated approach is to copy the tab separated text from Pages 10 to LibreOffice Writer, and from its Table menu, select Convert Text to Table. Then copy/paste the table from LO into Pages. That works with Pages 10 and
LibreOffice v6.4.3.2.
Convert table to text Pages 10 (6748)...