one of the security apps in my iPad shows that my iPad is jailbroken. I don’t have any cydia app. What to do now? I want to unjailbreak.
one of the security apps in my iPad shows that my iPad is jailbroken. I don’t have any cydia app. What to do now? I want to unjailbreak.
If you are concerned that you iPad is jailbroken, ensure that you have an iCloud or iTunes backup of your data - then follow this procedure to completely reinstall a fresh copy of iPadOS:
This procedure will reinstall the most up-to-date version of iPadOS/iOS that your device can support, reset the system and all settings to factory state - and, optionally, restore you data from your iCloud or iTunes backup.
That’’s it - done - clean - safe.
One other learning point; to keep your device secure, never divulge your AppleID and password or your device passcode to anyone. Keep your device under your control. If someone has access to your device and have your credentials, only then are you obviously at risk.
If you are concerned that you iPad is jailbroken, ensure that you have an iCloud or iTunes backup of your data - then follow this procedure to completely reinstall a fresh copy of iPadOS:
This procedure will reinstall the most up-to-date version of iPadOS/iOS that your device can support, reset the system and all settings to factory state - and, optionally, restore you data from your iCloud or iTunes backup.
That’’s it - done - clean - safe.
One other learning point; to keep your device secure, never divulge your AppleID and password or your device passcode to anyone. Keep your device under your control. If someone has access to your device and have your credentials, only then are you obviously at risk.
What security app are you talking about?
Please send us a screenshot so that we can see that alert message:_-> Take a screenshot on your iPad - Apple Support
mpMcAfee security app
Was your iPad new when you bought it?
Did you jailbreak it?
Did you leave the iPad unlocked and with another person for 15 minutes or more?
Yes I brought it 3 years back as a new one.
I had not jail broken it till now.
I gave it to younger brother but he is not aware of anything.
Well, McAfee is garbage.
My advice is uninstalling it.
If you really believe your iPad was jail broken, reinstall iOS.
How to reinstall?
And how to really know whether it is jaibroken?