Feature Request: Option to choose which fonts are installed when updating future OS
Apple, please allow the user to choose fonts that are installed with an OS upgrade. And allow the user to control non-essential system fonts.
I do not, nor will I ever be able to read, write or speak Chinese, Japanese, Farsi, Hebrew, or any of the other non-Latin-language fonts that are included in the Mac OS. Nothing against these people or their languages, but as a graphic designer, I am SICK AND TIRED of scrolling through all these useless (to me) fonts in every application with a font menu. None of the font managers are allowed to manage them, and I am unable to move them out of the system. I understand the need for a few, but there are now so many that you have forced me to seek and execute the workaround.
I have snapped. Now I feel like a Windows user.
So, my feature request is to allow the American user to specify whether or not the foreign language fonts are installed when updating or installing a new system, and then to be able to activate or deactivate them later. Just in case you might need them.
(Now all you graphic designers out there, please click on "I have this question too".)