iMovie Soundtracks from iOS on MacOS
Is it possible to access the stock iMovie soundtracks available in iOS in iMovie for MacOS? I can't find them.
Thank you
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar
Is it possible to access the stock iMovie soundtracks available in iOS in iMovie for MacOS? I can't find them.
Thank you
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar
Looks like Apple included the soundtracks feature with a section of 50+ songs that would edit themselves for the length of the video, but made it iOS only. I really don't know how to edit audio in that way for iMove on MacOS. But the Mac version has more powerful tools for editing the video. Feels like I'm split between the two.
Thank you for the response.
There is no specific Soundtracks feature in iMovie for Mac. However, if you click on the Sound Effects item in the audio side bar of a Mac iMovie project, and scroll all the way to the bottom, you will see several of the iMovie iOS soundtrack songs. The ones that are not there you can probably export from your iOS device to your Mac as a movie or the project itself, and from there you can detach the song and archive it for use in your Mac iMovie projects.
-- Rich
Yes, the Soundtracks feature on iOS is very nice. Would be great if it were included in iMovie Mac. To use a soundtrack song in iMovie Mac you would need to string copies of the clip together, one clip after another, in the timeline to make it fit the video.
One thing you could do is start your iMovie project on your iOS device, put a Soundtrack into it, and then use AirDrop to transfer it as a project to your Mac. It will appear in your Downloads folder. I believe that the soundtrack will go with it. Then you can open iMovie Mac and do a File/Import iMovie iOS Projects and the project will open as an iMovie Mac project. Or, you could go directly to your Downloads folder and double click on the project's name to have it open as an iMovie Mac project. Then you can finish out your editing.
Alternatively, you could share out your iOS project as a movie and use AirDrop to transfer it to your Mac. Then import the movie into your iMovie Mac project and do a Modify/Detach Audio. That will give you the entire soundtrack as an independent clip.
-- Rich
iMovie Soundtracks from iOS on MacOS