Network Mode: changed to extend a network
This is wrong.. you must use create a wireless network.
Using Extend wireless only works with another Airport router and you MUST NOT connect by ethernet at the same time.
Wireless Network Name: Matching
Wireless Password: Matching
This is correct.
You can easily tell which client is connected.. open airport utility and check the wireless client list. Click the icon of the airport.. and in the summary roll your mouse point over the wireless client and a bunch of new info will pop up.
In the client you can also check which AP is being used.. hold down the option key on a Mac and click the wifi fan in the top menu.
This will give you the wireless stats from the computer end but also show BSSID which is the actual MAC address of the wireless in the AP.
So you can see good agreement between the Time Capsule which is working as AP and the Computer.
You can confirm BSSID or MAC address by holding down the option key and double clicking the Airport in the Airport Utility.
For your main router you will need to dig into the interface. Usually details are available on most routers under advanced wireless or network or LAN.