Organizing Photos
I am trying to figure out how to go through 40K photos and sort them. I don't want to just reference them into an album. The point is that I cannot sort all 40K in one sitting. I want to be able to MOVE photos into these 'buckets' (I use this term because I am not sure if albums or folders will work for this). So, today, I may start with 40K photos, get through 10K of them sorting and I only want 30K left for me to sort. Meaning, I want every photo in a 'bucket' and it's too hard to keep track of what I have sorted and not with the tagging the Photos app does. Think back to old PC before Mac - drop and drag into folders. This way, when I have sorted all 40K photos, in theory, there will be none left in the folder I started from.
I thought I could do this by duplicating all 40K of my photos into a folder and then creating folders (or albums ???) subordinate to that massive folder, then just drag and drop. I have duplicated all photos into a folder. I want to now separate them into folders or albums (not sure which) and when I add them to the subordinate folders/albums, I don't want them to show in the original unsorted folder.
Hope this makes sense. I have wrestled with this for some time and cannot figure it out. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.14