How to activate your iMessage
How to activate Facetime, iMessage
iPhone 6s, iOS 11
How to activate Facetime, iMessage
iPhone 6s, iOS 11
Use FaceTime with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
What happens when you try? Error message(s)?
Messages - If you get an error when trying to activate iMessage or FaceTime.
Some other things you can try. Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
If necessary
Do a backup and try a factory reset. Then restore from your backup.
Backup - Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup.
Use FaceTime with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
What happens when you try? Error message(s)?
Messages - If you get an error when trying to activate iMessage or FaceTime.
Some other things you can try. Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
If necessary
Do a backup and try a factory reset. Then restore from your backup.
Backup - Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup.
How to activate your iMessage