Updates rendered Apple Watch Series 1 useless
Watch and phone have been paired for 2 years and working fine. My watch strap broke a few months ago and I didn't get a new one until yesterday. I haven't worn the watch in 4 months so I charged it yesterday and when I unlocked the watch with the passcode a message popped up I needed to update the OS. When I opened the Watch App, it searched for the update and updated to 5.3.7
I've updated all of my Apple devices to the most current OS software. iPhone 6s+ is running iOS 13.5.1; series 1 Apple Watch is up to date with watchOS 5.3.7
I went back to the Watch app and again it prompted me to update my Apple Watch saying "to finish paring, your Apple Watch must be running the latest version of WatchOS - Update Now". I clicked update now. A message again flashed on the the screen and disappeared before I could respond to it stating "Update Apple Watch" that my software is out of date and I needed do get the latest version using the watch app - Dismiss or Update. Again, this message disappears before I can respond to it and only gives me the Update option. Tapping update takes me to the next screen that reads "activating Apple Watch. This may take a few minutes". Then again it checks for updates and then reads "watchOS is up to date" A prompt pops up asking if I want to "exit update and reset watch" or "continue update". Exit and reset watch is the only option to choose because if I tap continue update it again tells me the software is up to date. Exit and unpair begins the unpairing process and this whole ordeal starts all over again. Essentially, the watch is paring with the phone, it's just not recognizing 5.3.7 as the most current update and preventing the Watch app from entering the setup.
I've reset the watch, I've reset the phone. These updates have rendered my watch useless where they were working just fine before. I'm at a loss what to do to on this one. Any info is appreciated.