Understanding how artwork works in Itunes - Please help!
I recently spent about 8 hours going through my very large Itunes collection and added artwork. A lot of the artwork had to be manually added. To do this I selected albums/songs and hit “get info” (command I), and I added the artwork in the artwork tab. After a very long process I had every song/album showing artwork.
I’m also in the process of updating my computer (older Mac Pro) with a SSD. I’ve installed the SSD and installed a fresh copy of El Capitan. When I launched Itunes I told it not to copy the files into Itunes as I have them stored on an additional hard drive (labelled 2nd hard drive). It imported my entire collection, but now a bunch of the artwork is missing! Augh!! If I look at the Itunes folder on my 2nd hard drive it looks like I have modified every folder with this import.
When I launch from my original Macintosh HD and launch Itunes all the artwork is there. When I launch from the SSD a bunch is missing.
I really hope I haven’t lost all this time/effort with this upgrade.
Please help!
Thanks for your time!
PS. I noticed that the Itunes version on the SSD is older (12.3.3) and the version on the original HD is (12.5.5). I also notice that I cannot copy songs from Itunes (Macintosh HD) to the desktop (I used to be able to do this).
Mac Pro, macOS 10.13