Using the same AppleID, but not sharing any of the associated services or account data, effectively defeats the object of using a common AppleID.
If keeping your personal an professional personas entirely separate is your objective, then using a different AppleID for each is the practical method of maintaining this separation. Be aware that if you wish to use the same paid Apps on both devices, you’ll have to pay twice - once for each AppleID.
If you have complete control over both private and personal devices (i.e., one or other device is not owned by somebody else) - and control the primary email address that identifies each of the AppleID accounts (this being the AppleID sign-in credential), you might consider using the Apple Family Sharing feature/service to selectively share information and services between accounts. This has benefit that, for example, App purchases can be shared between personas whilst they are members of the “Family” group - but the Family Organiser remains responsible for any App, Service or Subscription payments.
Family Sharing - Apple
Share App Store, iTunes Store and Apple Books purchases with Family Sharing – Apple Support
Set up Family Sharing – Apple Support
It follows that this strategy may be impractical, or impossible, if one device is corporately owned or managed by way of an applied management profile.
I hope this information and insight is helpful to you - and hopefully provides a workable solution for your needs.