It’s not as simple as, the customers contract is with Apple they paid Apple not fortnite direct. That is law just like ebay which is why there’s buyer protection eBay are ultimately responsible as they take the payments which is why they refund you. If you buy faulty goods in shops you return to the shop not the manufacturer. That is uk and EU law, your contract is with whoever takes your payment it would be down to Apple to issue refunds and then for them to chase epic games for them refunds and if they won’t comply take them to court.
if you use another platform and paid epic games direct then yes you go to them but when you purchase from Apple, Apple are who you form the contract with as a consumer.
if you bought a Samsung Tv from curry’s and it didn’t work? Where would you return it and how ****** off would you be if curry’s said we don’t care find a Samsung warehouse and take it there but thanks for the money.
You might be right if you’re not based inside the EU but the EU law and consumer rights act is very clear that Apple are responsible for ensuring any goods and services sold on their platform that they take money for are their responsibility when sold inside the EU. They don’t claim to be just a broker acting as a middleman just connecting customers, they control the payment system they pass it onto these companies who use it, you don’t pay any of these gaming companies direct you pay Apple.
As much as Apple would like to pass the buck and wash their hands and let you believe they are not responsible they are. They just don’t like how complex the issue is but that doesn’t absorb them of legal responsibility so it’s not as simple as that because you are wrong which is why fortnite are advertising to go to Apple for refunds if you bought through Apple and only use Apple.