... look exactly like the old one 0 apps, data, etc???
Not sure what that means. No Macs ships with zero apps.
We have a nice Costco store 10 minutes away but I web-order 100% of our Apple equipment directly from Apple. COVID has not closed the web store. I strongly recommend you do the same.
Buy iMac - Apple
The big problem I see is that those at Costco are mostly entry-level models. I wish I had a dollar for all the complaints I've handled here involving entry-level iMacs made from 2012 on being slow. You cannot upgrade RAM on 21.5 inch iMacs and, if Costco still stocks 2019 models, they come with dreadfully slow mechanical hard drives.
Believe me: You will hate it with all the fire your soul can muster.
You need to web-order to get a minimum of 16GB RAM and a solid state drive. Nothing less.
27-inch iMac have user upgradeable RAM but you still need the SSD for a truly pleasant experience.
2020 models come with SSDs but I doubt those are in Costco yet. Check the specs in-store.