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MacBook Pro External Monitor Blurry Fonts

I have a Sceptre P30 External Monitor connected to a 2018 15" MacBook Pro via USB-C to DisplayPort. The resolution is set at 2560x1080 (QHD) 200Hz. I'm currently running macOS 10.15.6 (Catalina).

The fonts in most apps, specifically Safari, is really poor and disappointing. They are inconsistent, fuzzy and blurry.

"Use font smoothing when available" is checked in System Preferences > General.

I've tried all of the following settings with reboots in between and they did not solve the problem:

defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE

defaults write com.apple.Safari CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE

defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 3

I also tried adding an edid override file using the instructions found here - https://www.chanhvuong.com/4403/fix-blurry-text-on-mac-using-external-non-apple-monitor/

Has anyone found a solution to this? Would a 4K monitor solve the problem? I'm willing to get a 4K monitor but I'm hesitant because I'm not sure that's the problem. I'm concerned the issue is Catalina and external monitors based on my reading.

Thanks for any help!

MacBook Pro

Posted on Aug 30, 2020 10:28 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Aug 30, 2020 10:52 AM

It sounds like you looked into this extremely in-depth.

Can you verify if you've tried another cable? Have you been able to try any other computer using that particular monitor? Those two would be the ultimate test to make sure it's not a hardware problem. I also assume you're going straight from the built-in USB-C and not using any hub, and that you're using a straight USB-C to DisplayPort cable and not using any adapter or converter in between? Also trying your Mac + cable w/ another monitor supporting a similar resolution would be ideal.

Even if you're using a top quality or brand cable it could still have a defect potentially.

Obviously some of those suggestions (other than trying another cable) may not be practical in your situation but I would still consider them the next step to make sure, for example, that the monitor itself that you got doesn't have any defects.

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Aug 30, 2020 10:52 AM in response to brianfromohnoooo

It sounds like you looked into this extremely in-depth.

Can you verify if you've tried another cable? Have you been able to try any other computer using that particular monitor? Those two would be the ultimate test to make sure it's not a hardware problem. I also assume you're going straight from the built-in USB-C and not using any hub, and that you're using a straight USB-C to DisplayPort cable and not using any adapter or converter in between? Also trying your Mac + cable w/ another monitor supporting a similar resolution would be ideal.

Even if you're using a top quality or brand cable it could still have a defect potentially.

Obviously some of those suggestions (other than trying another cable) may not be practical in your situation but I would still consider them the next step to make sure, for example, that the monitor itself that you got doesn't have any defects.


Sep 2, 2020 6:22 AM in response to rcosta887

Thanks for the ideas. I did both of those.

With a Windows 10 laptop on the same monitor the fonts look great - smooth and crisp.

I ordered a new high quality USB-C to Display Port cable that supports the monitor specs. It also made no impact.

I have tried both a direct laptop to monitor connect and with a CalDigit docking station. Both connection paths had the same results.

I feel pretty confident the issue is with the anti-aliasing in Catalina and something about this monitor.

I broke down and ordered a new 4K monitor yesterday. We'll see if that's the problem.


Sep 4, 2020 11:20 PM in response to brianfromohnoooo

If you did the variant of Internet Recovery mode that uses the Shift key + the normal Option-Command-R you could verify that it offers to install macOS 10.14 Mojave and if so, cancel that, erase the AppleSSD drive itself completely (not just Macintosh HD & Data) and see how that does to really confirm if it's something in Catalina with your particular hardware.

Alternatively, you could install Windows 10 w/ Bootcamp running on this Mac and see if that still works well (then that would be another indicator Mojave may work better in your circumstance).


Sep 10, 2020 11:54 PM in response to brianfromohnoooo

Hi did it worked for you?? I am using macbook pro with macOS catalina 10.15.6 and Benq monitor GW2480 24-inch and facing the same issue. It works in perfect resolution with windows system. But with mac it does not. I am using belkin dock to USB C to HDMI to connect to monitor. I can't see where is the actual issue. I tried everything .Should i also go ahead with 4k monitor and try ?? Did it worked for you?


Sep 11, 2020 5:47 AM in response to viveklucky

viveklucky - A new monitor fixed the problem. I got an LG 32" 4K monitor (32UK550-B) and resolution is exactly as I would expect - crisp and smooth.

rcosta887 - thanks for the additional virtualization ideas. Had the new monitor not worked I would have tried those good ideas.


MacBook Pro External Monitor Blurry Fonts

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