Text messages delete themselves
My text messages randomly disappear. Entire conversations, going back years.
iPhone SE, iOS 13
My text messages randomly disappear. Entire conversations, going back years.
iPhone SE, iOS 13
Settings > Messages > Keep Messages [Chose your option]
Watch the GIF below
Settings > Messages > Keep Messages [Chose your option]
Watch the GIF below
I delete one text message and the message directly below it was randomly deleted too. I noticed it occurred within days of an OIS update! I called apple support. They had me shut my computer down, bring it back up while holding the Shift key which put the computer in Safe mode. In this mode I saw the missing texts. This mode automatically detects and fixes operating errors. Then I shut down and restarted. Problem fixed! My Mac Pro is 2014 mid-years with the most current operating system update. Apple support remains a great option and resource.
Text messages delete themselves