nothing happens when I click on quicktime
Quicktime does not open. I just get a white box with nothing on my MacBook Pro
Quicktime does not open. I just get a white box with nothing on my MacBook Pro
Launching the QuickTime Player application will start with the default action: an Open dialog box, for selecting a media file to play. Depending on settings, and last use, that may point to the iCloud Drive space, which will not have any compatible files there unless you placed any there.
Launching the QuickTime Player application will start with the default action: an Open dialog box, for selecting a media file to play. Depending on settings, and last use, that may point to the iCloud Drive space, which will not have any compatible files there unless you placed any there.
Sorry Urquhart 1244 but your reply did not do the trick
nothing happens when I click on quicktime