Hi. I've read the page you referenced above, but I don't think it applies to my problem. I update all of my devices immediately when new updates are released. My devices were updated to iOS 13 in September of 2019 and they are all running the latest software now (iPhone is 14.1, iPad is 14.1, Macbook is Catalina 10.15.7, and Watch is 7.0.2). I have opened Reminders on all of these devices and none of them are indicating that they need to be updated. And, I even uninstalled and reinstalled Reminders on both my iPhone and my iPad, but still don't get any indication that I need to do anything to update Reminders as detailed in the page you referenced. I even went as far as to log on to iCloud.com and pulled up Reminders there, but again saw nothing indicating that there is a problem regarding a needed update.
And, I also Erased Apple Watch Content and Settings and re-synced it with my iPhone today as a New Device, not from backup (which is what I had done previously). Still the problem remains.
My watch is not syncing Reminders back to my iPhone, iPad, Macbook, or iCloud.com.