Setting up file storage for all music on my 2019 Mac.
I would appreciate very much if someone could walk me through setting up the music files on my Mac so that they do not disappear. Here is my background experience:-
I bought a new Mac 2019 and installed 3000 songs on the music folder. after a few months the Mac started telling me the songs could not be located. In frustration I deleted everything and then started subscribing to Apple Music .a week after installing about 6 albums I could not find the music I installed from apple. I then gave up and started subscribing to spotify and have downloaded quite a few songs now I have to buy software to get the Spotify music onto usb's so as to play them on my car etc.
I am 83 love the technology though art times like this it is frustrating. I tried to get apple support many time but it is so difficult to get any responses. What I want to do its setup the system of filing my music on the Mac so that it doesn't disappear (there may be something I am doing after installing the music that caused the difficulty to find therm. My Mac says my current music files are located here:- Macintosh HD/Users/edwardmacdonald/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud Drive/.Trash/Media.
Can anyone advise me. how to store my music properly.
Regards Ed