Raw Images using Photos app
How to sort, export, and remove raw images from photos app library?
MacBook Pro Retina
How to sort, export, and remove raw images from photos app library?
MacBook Pro Retina
Thanks for the reply, Keith. I have NEF (Nikon Raw) mixed with JPEGs in the same library. They are not jpeg/raw pairs, they are unique files. I inadvertently imported the RAW files from my SD card from my camera. I want/use separate Photos App Libraries for RAW and JPEGs. My defaults (system) library is for JPEGs, which has about 30,000 photos with about 1,200 are NEF files. They are all organized in separate folders and albums, by years and events. I would like a quick/easy way of "selecting" the NEF files from all of the folders and albums, and moving them to a separate folder/album or better yet, exporting then deleting them from the my JPEG library.
Hello Keith:
Thanks, that worked. Here is a new question.
When importing photos from an external HDD, that has multiple nested folders/directories, is there a way to delete the photo from the original location on the external HDD after it was imported into the Photos app?
Thanks for the help!
Only by going there with the Finder. There is no automatic way of doing it. Nor would such a thing be wise - errors in importing could then lead to dataloss. Best to confirm the import has gone as expected, and then delete the images from your disk.
Hello Keith:
It is odd. I agree it could be dangerous, but I was planning to only select specific photos, not all. The photos not selected would not be deleted and remain as-is, and not imported. I just want to eliminate having multiple copies of the same image scattered and taken up storage space. Thanks!
PaulIrving wrote:
Hello Terence:
Thanks for the reply, but if this is true, then why is there an option delete the photos after importing from my iPhone? This seems a little odd?
As a rule of thumb, if a question begins with 'why' on here then you need to be asking Apple not ordinary mortals. It's equally unwise, and a lesson I learned the hard way many years ago.
You can create a smart album with the Rule "Photo IS RAW", which should do the trick.
If they are supported, just like other images. Or are these part of a jpeg/raw pair?
Hello Terence:
Thanks for the reply, but if this is true, then why is there an option delete the photos after importing from my iPhone? This seems a little odd?
Import from cameras work the same way. it is odd, convenient and dangerous.
As long as you understand the risks - most people don't - go for it.
Raw Images using Photos app