App Library
My App Library on my iPhone and the display when you swipe all the way to the left is suddenly gone and I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it
iPhone XR, iOS 14
My App Library on my iPhone and the display when you swipe all the way to the left is suddenly gone and I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it
iPhone XR, iOS 14
Hello Dalewn18.
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We understand that when you swipe the display to the left on your iPhone that the App Library isn’t shown. We are happy to help.
Have you made any recent changes to your Home Screen? Let’s use the steps here to restart your iPhone: Restart your iPhone - Apple Support Please try the steps here: Organize the Home Screen and App Library on your iPhone - Apple Support You can also use the steps here to customize your Home Screen: Use widgets on your iPhone and iPod touch - Apple Support
Let us know the results.
Take care.
Hello Dalewn18.
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We understand that when you swipe the display to the left on your iPhone that the App Library isn’t shown. We are happy to help.
Have you made any recent changes to your Home Screen? Let’s use the steps here to restart your iPhone: Restart your iPhone - Apple Support Please try the steps here: Organize the Home Screen and App Library on your iPhone - Apple Support You can also use the steps here to customize your Home Screen: Use widgets on your iPhone and iPod touch - Apple Support
Let us know the results.
Take care.
Bot of a delayed answer don’t ya think? Problems been resolved for days.
App Library