How to determine if the LVDS cable is bad or the display.
I have a MacBook Pro 2015 DG The screen goes white with a center greyish bar in the center then turns to Magenta with a white vertical bar. If on battery and using a second monitor that monitor is perfect so that rules out the graphic chip. If I close the lid on battery mode the secondary monitor loses it signal which is normal. If I open the lid its white with the grayish vertical bar then later to Magenta. I did run Tech Tools and all systems and sensors passed. I also ran AHT and it gave a ADP000 passed. Has any one run in to this? I already have a cable coming and I will update. IfI boot straight no secondary screen the white screen will somewhat dim in the boot process (low Rez) then brighten to high Rez at the end so it would seem it functions correctly albeit for the screen.
Lou Cioccio