Mac has connection spikes when bluetooth is turned on
A few weeks ago I started feeling poor connection while doing video calls and gaming. Looking into it more closely I first suspected the issue was with my internet provider but after doing some ping tests from my iPhone and from my Mac I was able to rule that out as the issue happens only on my Mac. Looking into the web I found this thread ( but I didn't see anything related to location services on my console logs. What I did realize was that it was actually bluetooth that was causing the issue.
This is a ping test with bluetooth turned off.
And this is a ping test with bluetooth turned on
Looking at my console logs while bluetooth is turned on I see this:
Looks like bluetooth is constantly scanning for new devices and every time it does it causes a spike on my connection. Any ideas on how to fix this? I was having this issue on Catalina, tried upgrading to Big Sur but the problem remains. Also tried running this command
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ bluetoothCoexMgmt Hybrid
I found in this other thread with no success.