extend memory of ipad pro
can you extend memory of ipad pro?
iPad, iOS 10
can you extend memory of ipad pro?
iPad, iOS 10
Hello cjustcol,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. It looks like you have a question about extending your iPad's memory, and we'd be happy to get your questions answered.
"When you buy your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, it comes with a set storage capacity ranging from 16 to 512GB for iPhone, 16GB to 1TB for iPad, and 8 to 256GB for iPod touch. The music you buy, the apps you download, the photos you take, and all of the other content that you enjoy on your device uses its storage. And depending on your device capacity and how much content you have, your device can fill up and run out of storage."
What's the difference between device storage and iCloud storage?
Also, check out this helpful link:
How to check the storage on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
We hope this information is useful. Kind regards.
extend memory of ipad pro