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Account keeps getting locked for security reasons and requires me to change my password constantly last couple weeks

Why does my account keep getting locked? I’ve looked through everything and there have been no new downloads or purchases made. Only my device is set to my Apple ID account. I’ve had to change my password multiple times already.

What’s going on?

Posted on Dec 20, 2020 4:31 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Dec 27, 2020 12:36 AM

I have this too. It's a bug. At first I thought it was someone who knows me and was trying to lock my account on purpose repeatedly. Now I think it's either an iOS 14 bug, or Apple being victim of Russian/Chinese hackers and they don't want to let us know and come clean about what's going on.

My iCloud account keeps being locked every other day for over two months now. The service is just not fit for purpose anymore. Coming from the wealthiest company in the world, it's pretty appalling.

Each time, I have to log back in on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV. And for each device I have to log back in to the App Store, iMessage and FaceTime. That's like entering the password 12 times, plus 2-3 times more for unlocking the iCloud account via email. 15 times!!!

Apple should be ashamed of such a poor security process. It shows it's so poorly built that they don't know what they're doing. A normal users shouldn't have to unlock their account nearly 50 times in 2 months without being told what's going on. Multiply that by 15 times having to enter the password and that's over 500 times of re-entering the password for this broken iCloud service!!! Complete madness.

I've spoken to Apple Support extensively and they were useless. Nothing they suggested fixed this issue. I bet they don't have a clue what's going on because the issue is much more serious, and copy pasting useless Apple support articles does not help in this case.

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Dec 27, 2020 12:36 AM in response to avonsong

I have this too. It's a bug. At first I thought it was someone who knows me and was trying to lock my account on purpose repeatedly. Now I think it's either an iOS 14 bug, or Apple being victim of Russian/Chinese hackers and they don't want to let us know and come clean about what's going on.

My iCloud account keeps being locked every other day for over two months now. The service is just not fit for purpose anymore. Coming from the wealthiest company in the world, it's pretty appalling.

Each time, I have to log back in on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV. And for each device I have to log back in to the App Store, iMessage and FaceTime. That's like entering the password 12 times, plus 2-3 times more for unlocking the iCloud account via email. 15 times!!!

Apple should be ashamed of such a poor security process. It shows it's so poorly built that they don't know what they're doing. A normal users shouldn't have to unlock their account nearly 50 times in 2 months without being told what's going on. Multiply that by 15 times having to enter the password and that's over 500 times of re-entering the password for this broken iCloud service!!! Complete madness.

I've spoken to Apple Support extensively and they were useless. Nothing they suggested fixed this issue. I bet they don't have a clue what's going on because the issue is much more serious, and copy pasting useless Apple support articles does not help in this case.


Dec 29, 2020 2:23 AM in response to Pennybinker

This is spot on and exactly how it feels. Pure harassement.

And the users on this discussions forum quoting our issues and then copy/pasting their useless solutions (all tried already as we've mentioned multiple times) is also harassement at this stage. Again, for the wealthiest company in the world to be unable to look into this and fix the issue swiftly, this is absolutely appalling and also alarming.

I can't help but think Apple hasn't been keeping iCloud secure for a long time and they know it. The whole thing must be a mess like an old tyre that has been patched up with spaghetti code too many times and can't be fixed anymore.

This thread had 20 "I have this question too" 48 hours ago. It now has 52. If Apple can't flag this as being an alarming and serious situation, I guess all hope is lost and Apple is like Facebook, Google and the likes, mishandling our sensitive personal data.


Jan 8, 2021 6:11 AM in response to lukatibo

Update: I've been logged out of this account on all of my equipment since my last post on here. For all intensive purposes the account was dormant, yet I had to unlock it to post this very message. So I think that's pretty conclusive evidence that something is happening at the server end with regards our accounts getting locked and it's not a user equipment issue.

Additionally, A little heads up for you guys. I received my first Apple phishing email this morning, informing me that this very account has been locked. So I'm staring to suspect either a security breach at Apples end ( they'll never admit to that and have informed me that my account is not being locked because of one) or my account is being targeted (never been informed it has). Either way, I cannot keep changing the password to this account every day. It's getting ridiculous. I need to speak to an Apple engineer


Feb 3, 2021 9:23 AM in response to adanfromtwickenham

I think that you are right. I have several devices and have the problem, while someone I know has one device and never has the problem.

I won't do the two-factor authentication because I just don't like the idea of using a phone number as a security method. Scammer calls every day on that thing so no thanks! Instead, have a really hard password. Retire or unhook old devices from the internet by turning off wi fi on them.


Feb 2, 2021 9:31 PM in response to Suisho13

At this point I am fairly certain it has to do with 2-factor (which isn’t like it used to be thankfully) as after setting it up the problem has vanished. I no longer get any warnings or prompts to verify and change my password. I hate getting strong armed like that but the 2-factor isn’t the hassle it was before if that helps at all.


Dec 28, 2020 2:37 PM in response to lukatibo

I think its an Apple glitch as well. Read where issues with many signing into new devices from Christmas presents. No idea if their fix for that is messing up those like us, being locked out repeatably for security reasons. Just know I had no issue before. Even stranger was my card on file had to be verified but it had been verified eons ago as valid. So glad to finally read where others are having the same issue and suspect its on Apple’s end.


Dec 20, 2020 5:01 PM in response to Suisho13

Suisho13 Said:

"Why does my account keep getting locked? I’ve looked through everything and there have been no new downloads or purchases made. Only my device is set to my Apple ID account. I’ve had to change my password multiple times already.

What’s going on?"


Fixing Being Locked Out:

Visit this Link: If your Apple ID is Locked or Disabled - Apple Support

Why Accounts Become Disabled:

When your iTunes Account has been disabled, and that often happens due to suspicious activity --- Perhaps nothing on your part. They disable it for no more than Security & Privacy concerns.

Possible Reasons Could Include: 

  • Too many unsuccessful login attempts
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network) usage
  • Consistent transactions
  • Session Times Out
  • Disobeying Terms & Conditions

Dec 20, 2020 5:03 PM in response to Suisho13

"Account keeps getting locked for security reasons and requires me to change my password constantly last couple weeks"


To Re-Enable your Account:

As you might suspect, no one here would know the reason for this occurrence, of course. So, contact Apple Support. They’ll know why this occurred and will run you right through the fix.

Contact Apple Support:

Note: Phone calls are taking a bit to go through at the moment, due do lots of calls. With the Coronavirus Pandemic, many are at home at the moment, with much time on their hands to contact Apple. So, just stay on the line, and you will get through :)

Use Malwarebytes for Mac:

A consistent reset seems a bit phishy. Malwarebytes for Mac is software that searches for malware/adware. So, scan with it and then remove what is found. Once removed, uninstall MalwareBytes for Mac. Then restart the Mac. It is created by longtime users of these forums. So, that is why it is the only way to go about securing your Mac, when it comes through use of software 


  1. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac
  2. Malwarebytes uninstaller

Dec 25, 2020 12:18 AM in response to Despaire

Despaire Said:

"Account keeps getting locked for security reasons and required me to change my password constantly last couple weeks: same annoying issue here!!


To the OP and others he getting this: occurrence.

Perform the Following:

A. Scan with Malwarebytes for Mac:

Malwarebytes searches for malware(short for (malicious software) and spyware. Those make your Mac act in a mislead manor. So scan with it, and remove what is found from the quarantine. It is created by longtime users of these forums making it the only reliable Security Software for a Mac.


  1. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac
  2. Malwarebytes Uninstaller

B. Modify your Credentials:

With Security & Privacy being of High-Concern here, consider modifying your credentials, immediately. Pefroming the following is best at this point.  Seeing this being reported 5 days later - I’m assuming someone is trying to hack into your account. They may have confiscated your credentials somehow. So, Consider...


Dec 28, 2020 12:27 AM in response to lukatibo

lukatibo Said:

"[...]At first I thought it was someone who knows me and was trying to lock my account on purpose repeatedly.[...]"


Modify your Credentials:

With Security & Privacy being of High-Concern here, consider modifying your credentials, immediately. Pefroming the following is best at this point.  Seeing this being reported 5 days later - I’m assuming someone is trying to hack into your account. They may have confiscated your credentials somehow. So, Consider...

Why a New eMail Address?:

With a different eMail address, there is less likely someone to enter your eMail address, should they be trying to do so (which is a pure reason as to why an account can be locked: Multiple unsuccessful log in attempts).


Jan 6, 2021 7:39 AM in response to Suisho13

Here's another piece of irony. I was locked out of my iPhone this morning and went on my desktop to look up the problem. The same as everyone else here, it has been occurring on all my devices with greater frequency for the past 2 months. In my attempt to reply and add to this discussion I was locked out and had to go through hoops to get it unlocked. SMH

What is going on Apple?


Dec 20, 2020 5:45 PM in response to Suisho13

You can also add 2 Factor Authentication to your account for more security. If the attempts continue, you might want to consider a name change.

Link to contact Apple Support in the article.

Apple ID has been compromised.      

Security and your Apple ID.      

Note the restrictions in the article.

Apple ID Name Change.        

 What to do after you change your Apple ID or password - Apple Support    I suggest doing this before you change your Apple ID or password.

Apple ID -Two-factor authentication          

Two Factor Authentification availability.    

2 Factor Authentication - How to generate a recovery key

Apple ID - Using app-specific passwords.     

Apple ID - Two Step Verifications FAQ    


Dec 31, 2020 11:18 AM in response to Pennybinker

I turned 2FA on once by accident and turned it off again. They may have discontinued the two week grace period, but this Apple Support article says it still exists and outlines the process. If this problem persists (or if I accidentally enable it again) then I will give it an try.



Mar 1, 2021 1:33 AM in response to lukatibo

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve definitely had my issues with Apple but if this is a bug it honestly hasn’t been that long. I realize it seems so to you and all the others with the issue. I can’t imagine Apple is pleased with so many users having this issue. Imagine how many calls Apple Support also receives. Even though there has been updates, if there’s a bug it’s going to be an update that addresses it. This is just a guess based on previous experience . It very well could be wrong. I’ve been following the thread and realize that that they’re are other very strong opinions and assessments. Continuing to report your feedback will help.



Account keeps getting locked for security reasons and requires me to change my password constantly last couple weeks

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