Phonetic First Name field - Sorting in Contacts
A zillion users have pointed out the following problem over many years, but Apple has not fixed it. Why????
The problem is: If you go to Phonetic First Name* (while editing a Contact) and spell the first name the way you pronounce it (e.g., for my daughter Maci I had to enter Maysee to get it right when I dictate), your iPhone puts the contact name in the wrong order (e.g., last name "Hagen" for the edited name only is at the end of the H's in the Contact list, not with other Hagen contacts.
*To see Phonetic First Name for a contact, you FIRST have to scroll down, while editing the contact, to Add field, then select Phonetic First Name (not Pronunciation First Name.)
To make this work you also gotta disable Dictation and then enable it, AND close the Contact app (apparently to make the phone recognize the change you made). Sheeesh.
Why can't Apple tell its software to ignore the Phonetic First Name field when putting contacts in alphabetical order? Or, why don't they?
So many things work as they should in my iPhone, but this does not.
iPhone X