MacBook 12” Retina white screen
Hello, i have a MacBook A1534 12” 2015 Retina and when it starts up the screen stays white, i tried all the rebooting options but the screen stays white, what should I do?
Hello, i have a MacBook A1534 12” 2015 Retina and when it starts up the screen stays white, i tried all the rebooting options but the screen stays white, what should I do?
Hello jonahtan,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
If we understand your post correctly, when you start your Mac it starts up to a white screen and you've tried some rebooting options but the screen still stays white. We're happy to help.
Let's try an SMC reset.
How to reset the SMC of your Mac
You may also want to try an NVRAM reset.
Reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac
We also recommend starting in safe mode. Sometimes just starting in this mode and then restarting normally can resolve issues like this: How to use safe mode on your Mac
If you're still having issues we recommend contacting Apple Support directly.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
Take care!
Hello jonahtan,
Thanks for responding back and trying the steps provided in the articles.
Have you tried running the Disk Utility? If not, let's try running it.
Repair a storage device in Disk Utility on Mac
We also want to provide you with how to repair a disk in Disk Utility which could be helpful to you.
How to repair a Mac disk with Disk Utility
Hello, Thank you for your response!I tried all these options,but the the screen is still white.
MacBook 12” Retina white screen