I dont know what you mean by "stabilize the frame rate". It seems perfectly stable at 29.94. It plays perfectly and in perfect sync in every application except FCPX. 29.94 is not a common framerate, but its not totally bizarre, I seem to recall it being pretty common in the panasonic DVX workflow. I frankly dont know why it exported at this framerate, but what I don't understand is why FCPX doesnt SEE that framerate, when QT and Compressor both do, VLC does, even the finder Quicklook window stays in sync to the end. My actual pro editing app is the only one that can't.
In the FCPX Browser, the clip duration is reading as 9 seconds shorter than the clip actually is, and the framerate is reading as 29.98 instead of 29.94. Playback IN THE BROWSER, playing the same file, is several seconds out of sync by the end of the clip.
I did a re-import of the clip, this time "copying to library" to see if that would resolve anything. It did not. the clip in the library, when opened in QT, is in 23.94 and is 9 seconds longer than the Browser says it is. The clip in the library plays in perfect sync at every point in the clip in QT, but in Browser is way way off by the end. The clip in the library, in other words, is identical to the original, and misbehaves in fcpx exactly the same.
I also re-exported the clip from compressor, again in ProRes422. The framerate of that new clip reads 23.97 in QT and 23.98 in FCPX. Nonetheless, the difference in duration, and the drift in sync is exactly the same. no difference at all. As a matter of fact, FCPX is reading faulty information even *before* importing. In the Import Media window, the new clip reads the wrong duration, 9 seconds shorter than reality.
Nothing seems to help. I may just resort to frankensteining this sequence manually. But I just wish I understood the problem.
FCPX has usually been **** solid in handling media import.
I am doing another compressor export, this time reencoding the audio as AAC to see if that makes any difference. Frankly the clip duration is not important so long as its synced, but it does seem to be a symptom of something wrong.
I will update this post if I have any updates or results. I would appreciate any other advice on where this weird issue could reside.