ayxsh wrote:
My touch is functional in all other applications except Safari, not that it doesn't work but that
the media controls (play/pause, video skimmer, picture-in-picture, etc.) literally just vanish when any video is played on the browser.
It could be a YouTube video or any video at all. Occasionally the controls randomly show up but the moment they are used they vanish again, and when they do show up, the play/pause button is missing or the video skimmer is missing and instead has a different configuration [ refer pic 3]. Sorry for the confusing picture orientation.
what macOS..? verify your macOS Software is up to date, stable release of Catalina is 10.15.7
Shift Command 6 will screen shot the TouchBar....

video scrub

See if you can make some changes in Safari for your TouchBar
Safari>View> Customize Touchbar

Can you add back tabs?

Use the Touch Bar on Mac - Apple Support
If no resolve— verify your Software is up to date.
You can always reinstall the macOS on top of your existing macOS to sort anomalies with "baked-in" apps like Safari.
How to reinstall macOS from macOS Recovery - https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204904
See if there is something in Safari>Preferences interfering
>System Preferences>Extensions>Added Extensions
>System Preferences>Keyboard make some changes(?)