Wifi Regulation in Indonesia.
In Indonesia there was a rule to limit the wifi width to 20Mhz only on both 2.4 and 5Ghz band. However the rule has been updated since 2019.
On 5 Ghz band, it was only allowed to use 5.8 Ghz only (149-161), in updated rule it is now allowed to use lower 5Ghz (36-40).
On samsung phones the phone has been updated to use the new regulation so it can experience full wifi speed experience.
On iphones I have yet to see the change. When can I see software updates to lift the limit?
The new rules can be seen here https://sdppi.kominfo.go.id/downloads/42/20200418142416-perdirjen_2019-02_WLAN.pdf (it is in Bahasa indonesia language) page 8.