How to cancel my iCloud subscription
How do I cx my iCloud subscription?
How do I cx my iCloud subscription?
See this.
Downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan - Apple Support
Bear in mind that you will lose all data above the free 5GB of iCloud storage that Apple gives you unless you download your data, files and photos to your device. You will have 30 days to do so after you downgrade.
Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud - Apple Support
See this.
Downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan - Apple Support
Bear in mind that you will lose all data above the free 5GB of iCloud storage that Apple gives you unless you download your data, files and photos to your device. You will have 30 days to do so after you downgrade.
Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud - Apple Support
How to cancel my iCloud subscription