whatsapp iCloud (Mobile Document)
Hi Friends!
Using OSX Catalina I would like to get the iCloud Whatsapp files into my own iBook.
My phone has uploaded about 8GB of WP data into iCloud (I've a 200GB plan),
now I've enabled iCloud Drive and I expect to get these files on my notebook, into directory "~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/".
I've follow this stackexchange question and precisely follow these steps:
1. iCloud setting on iPhone.
Storage, make sure you can see “WhatsApp Messages” under
Documents & Data.
2. Turn on iCloud Drive on your
Mac, then check your iCloud setting.
System Preferences->iCloud-> Manage Storage,
make sure you can also see “WhatsApp Message” there.
3. Make sure the free storage of the computer is
enough, which is more than the iCloud Drive usage data.
4.On power options I have disabled monitor power off, and enabled
Power Nap and disabled disk stop
Followed all these directives, the directory "~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/" still to be only 22kb.
What else can I do?
MacBook Air 11″, macOS 10.15