Cancel subscription to Dropbox
How to cancel Dropbox on iPhone?
iPhone 11 Pro
How to cancel Dropbox on iPhone?
iPhone 11 Pro
Open Settings ➔ Apple ID (Your Name at Top) ➔ Subscriptions : Find Dropbox here and tap on it and then cancel the subscription.
If you do not find Dropbox as shown above then you can open the Dropbox app on your iPhone and then go to Accounts and see whether you can cancel your subscription there.
If that is not an option, for any reason, then you can log in ➔ and then cancel the subscription from there.
Axel F.
Open Settings ➔ Apple ID (Your Name at Top) ➔ Subscriptions : Find Dropbox here and tap on it and then cancel the subscription.
If you do not find Dropbox as shown above then you can open the Dropbox app on your iPhone and then go to Accounts and see whether you can cancel your subscription there.
If that is not an option, for any reason, then you can log in ➔ and then cancel the subscription from there.
Axel F.
Cancel subscription to Dropbox