Does anyone know how to DISABLE the language auto-detect 'feature' on this app?
I have set my input language to Chinese, but at least 50% of the time when I speak an input the app decides I must be speaking English and produces jibberish. Is there any way to DISABLE language auto-detect and make the app honor the input language that I have EXPLICITLY SPECIFIED. I want to translate from Chinese to English, and I don't want Apple's artificial 'intelligence' to ignore my input and erroneously auto-detect that the input is in English.
Really, after all these years of developing software how is it that Apple have still not managed to hire any competent developers? Software 101: the user specifies inputs which control how the app is supposed to behave, if you are going to add half-arsed 'features' which do **** that the user DIDN'T ASK for then for f*ck's sake ENSURE that there is some way for the user to disable these malfunctioning features the user never requested in the first place.
So, anyone know if there's any way to make this buggy app behave in a usable fashion ?
I'm running i0S 14.4 on an iPhone SE.