How do I quit Safari? The Quit Safari option is not hi-lited
How do I quit Safari? The Quit safari option is not hi-lited.
iMac, macOS 10.13
How do I quit Safari? The Quit safari option is not hi-lited.
iMac, macOS 10.13
If you're using a mac:
If you're using a macbook, you can click the safari icon with 2 fingers in the trackpad, then select "Quit". It's just a shortcut but the link above works in macbooks as well
If you're using a mac:
If you're using a macbook, you can click the safari icon with 2 fingers in the trackpad, then select "Quit". It's just a shortcut but the link above works in macbooks as well
Command and q key quit the frontmost app.
Command ~ toggles between apps and a tap on the Q key will quit that app.
How do I quit Safari? The Quit Safari option is not hi-lited