How to contact Apple costumer service?
Can l talk to customer service
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 11, iOS 14
Can l talk to customer service
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 11, iOS 14
Lismery88 wrote:
theres a purchase that we didn’t make
If you were charged by Apple for something there are a few possibilities:
The bottom line is that Apple never charges you for any purchase without authorization. So someone with access to your account must have made the purchase or subscription, if it wasn’t a scam message.
If it is a specific item on your bank or credit card statement see this link ➡️ If you see "" or an unfamiliar charge on your statement - Apple Support
You can review all of your purchases as described in this link ➡️ See your purchase history for the App Store or iTunes Store - Apple Support
If it is a subscription you can cancel it here ➡️ See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support.
Note that subscriptions are not canceled when you delete an app; the subscription must be canceled separately from deleting the app.
And you can request a refund here ➡️ Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support
If you click the Get Support link above you will have a choice of a chat or have Apple call you back. But if you would rather call Apple and wait on hold you can chose a local number using this link→Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
Considering you still have not talked to Apple yet you have no idea how great their customer service is.
You have now replied to a customer to customer forum where the very first reply tells you how to actually contact Apple. Here it is again and I hope you treat the Apple rep much better than how you are acting here:
Contact Apple by call or chat from
Well, there are 2 possibilities. Either your Apple ID was hacked, or the email was a scam hoping you would click on a link and give away your Apple ID and password.
This is a user-to-user forum; we don’t know who you are, and have no access to your account.
See→If you think your Apple ID has been compromised - Apple Support
Also→Recognize and avoid phishing messages, phony support calls, and other scams - Apple Support
As you still seem to have missed our directions you can call or chat. You just need to follow the steps us as other customers have told you to do. Contact Apple to talk from
You are not getting calls from Apple, you are getting calls from scammers out to steal your identity. Ignore them and don’t respond. See→Recognize and avoid phishing messages, phony support calls, and other scams - Apple Support
This is not a way to communicate directly with Apple; it is a user-to-user technical support forum. If you have a question or issue that you think another user can help you with please describe it in as much detail as you can and a user who sees your request and thinks they can help will answer, but that might not be immediate; it could be hours or days later.
If you want to contact Apple use the Get Support link at the top of this page or call Apple by choosing a number from this list→Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
Here is a one-stop link for billing questions→Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support. You can review your purchase history, check a specific purchase, manage subscriptions and request refunds.
This is a customer to customer forum. However, Apple does not reset passwords or security questions on their end, You the Apple ID owner are in full control from your end only.
Things to try:
Can you try and reset your password by email instead?
Can you enable two factor authentication instead? See
If you can’t do either of those options you’ll want to wait a full 24 hours without doing anything with that Apple ID. After 24 hours use a device and a WiFi location that has used that Apple ID before and try again.
This is a customer to customer forum. You should delete that screenshot with your personal info in it.
The answer you are looking for is pinned to the top of this to threads original question:
Contact Apple by call or chat from
Contact Apple by call or chat from
I'm sorry, but your post has nothing to do with the original post here. You are not addressing Apple here. This is a user to user support forum and Apple does not participate here. If you wish to speak to Apple Support, you need to use the Contact Support link at the top of the page here. No one here has no idea about your case and have no access to it.
This is not a chat service. It is a user-to-user technical support forum. If you want to discuss an issue with other users click on the Post link at the top of the page and create a NEW post describing your issue. If you want to contact Apple there is a Get Support link at the top of this page also.
Purchased a Qr Code Reader App back in December because I needed it to read a menu at a restaurant during the Covid pandemic. Discovered this week that I was being charged over $20.00 every two weeks to keep it. You refunded me $80.00 (thank you) but I'm still $80.00 out of pocket for something I did not know I'd be paying for. And, frankly, $9.99 per week is highway robbery, especially for an app I used only one time. I should be refunded the full amount.
I’ve been chatting with the Verizon rep I’ve been having trouble with my I watch battery charging. We worked through the factory recess process and that didn’t help. He told me to contact Apple for a replacement of my watch.
If you read the other answers in this thread, especially the APPLE RECOMMENDED post at the top of every page, you will find the information you need.
OR you can create a brand new post, with your actual issue in the Subject, and other users will guide you in how to resolve the problem. To do that click on the Post link at the top of this page.
How to contact Apple costumer service?