Mute the sound in between transitions?
How do I mute the sound in between transitions, please?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 10.15
How do I mute the sound in between transitions, please?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 10.15
Can you post a screen shot that shows what you are trying to do?
If "Show Waveforms" is checked from the Settings Button (above and to the right of the timeline) an audio clip will display a horizontal volume timeline. Hold down the Option key and click on the volume line to put two markers close together on one side of the range in which you want to change the volume, and put two markers close together on the other side.
Then place your cursor on the volume line between the two sets of markers and, while pressing down, drag to raise or lower the volume line to raise or lower the volume in the range that you have selected.
-- Rich
You can raise and lower the horizontal line with your cursor to raise or lower the volume.
Can you post a screen shot that shows what you are trying to do?
If "Show Waveforms" is checked from the Settings Button (above and to the right of the timeline) an audio clip will display a horizontal volume timeline. Hold down the Option key and click on the volume line to put two markers close together on one side of the range in which you want to change the volume, and put two markers close together on the other side.
Then place your cursor on the volume line between the two sets of markers and, while pressing down, drag to raise or lower the volume line to raise or lower the volume in the range that you have selected.
-- Rich
You can raise and lower the horizontal line with your cursor to raise or lower the volume.
Here is the printscr. I have two seperete cuts and need to put transition in between them, but there is a sound left from the first one and I dont know how to mute it. Thanks a lot.
Use the method that I described in my earlier post to mute the sound in a portion of the clip.
-- Rich
Mute the sound in between transitions?