How do I sync my iTunes (PC) music library to iPhone 12 Pro Max?
Long time Android guy... Just trying to sync my iTunes music library to my iPhone. Thought Apple was user friendly? Get the following error message
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
Long time Android guy... Just trying to sync my iTunes music library to my iPhone. Thought Apple was user friendly? Get the following error message
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
Click on the link and read how:
Use iTunes to sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod with your computer -
"Learn how to sync music, movies, and more using iTunes on your Mac or PC."
brantosapien wrote:
So I have to turn both off to sync music from iTunes to my phone?
No, only the iPhone. The path is Settings > Music > Sync Library > Off. That said if you're paying for Apple Music you would normally enable Sync Library in both iTunes and your iPhone so that changes made in either library sync automatically over the air and you have access to all the Apple Music content from either device. Apple Music content cannot be synced over wire and must be downloaded directly from the store by the device.
On a mobile device: Settings > Music > Show Apple Music on/off
On a computer: In iTunes go to preferences to toggle iCloud music library
I get an error message. Something about the files cannot be synced because iCloud Music is enabled on my phone. How the heck do you turn it off?
So I have to turn both off to sync music from iTunes to my phone?
There is no Show Apple Music on/off option
Got it. Thanks. Tried to give both of you credit for helping me, but it didn't work.
You're welcome. 🙂
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How do I sync my iTunes (PC) music library to iPhone 12 Pro Max?