Logic Pro app
LogicPro version for MacBook running macOS High Sierra?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13
LogicPro version for MacBook running macOS High Sierra?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13
This is a tricky one:
If you have NOT already purchased Logic Pro, you will need to buy it using a Mac that is running Catalina or later ( use a friends Mac or maybe one at a store ( Log out afterwards).
If you HAVE already purchased Logic Pro ( or you just did it as above):
A) Delete any existing copies of Logic that are in the Applications Folder. Make zip copies first as a backup)
B) Log in to the AppStore using the account details you used to buy Logic in the first place.
C) Navigate to the main Logic Page in the AppStore ( NOT your purchased items)
D) Click the Download icon
E) You will get a warning that Catalina is required, but with the option to download the latest version compatible with your current OS
Good to go
This is a tricky one:
If you have NOT already purchased Logic Pro, you will need to buy it using a Mac that is running Catalina or later ( use a friends Mac or maybe one at a store ( Log out afterwards).
If you HAVE already purchased Logic Pro ( or you just did it as above):
A) Delete any existing copies of Logic that are in the Applications Folder. Make zip copies first as a backup)
B) Log in to the AppStore using the account details you used to buy Logic in the first place.
C) Navigate to the main Logic Page in the AppStore ( NOT your purchased items)
D) Click the Download icon
E) You will get a warning that Catalina is required, but with the option to download the latest version compatible with your current OS
Good to go
Thank you!!!! This solution worked for me.
However, The first time I opened App Store it was showing the buy icon. I had to reboot my MacBook Pro a couple times in order to see the Download icon instead of the Buy icon.
Thanks again =)
Logic 10.4.8 is the last compatible version for High Sierra
You need to upgrade your OS first to supported version for Logic or if you can’t then - unless you’ve already purchased it previously- you’re out of luck.
A gdzie mogę pobrać Logic 10.4.8 dla mojego High Sierra
A gdzie tę wersję można pobrać? Szukałem, ale nie można znależć. Może możesz mi pomóc?
Logic Pro app