Migrating my old iMac to a brand new iMac 27..!
It's been a LONG time since I got to do this, and I think I am correct in thinking that there should be no problem 'migrating' data and apps to my new computer, but I also thought it would be a good idea to verify that, here.. So.. this is what I need to verify:
Can I use Time Machine in my old iMac to migrate to the new one?
I just did an update on my old iMac "in preparation" for this new computer, and the old one now shows that it is now OS 10.13.6 (High Sierra - which may be 'max' for this unit..?).
Now, I get to pick up my NEW iMac in about two hours (!!!), and I'd guess that it has possibly "Catalina" on it (OS 10.15.7)... (?) But...I don't really know, y'know???
Of note: To be honest, I bought the new computer over the phone and "totally blindly" because, once I got 'permission' to do it, I JUMPED on it, so I haven't even had the opportunity to "play" with it at all, and probably won't have time to do that until I get everything fully operational again.
So what (if anything) should I be anticipating if I use Time Machine in OS 10.13.6 to put it all on a brand new 1 TB USB 3 external hard disk and use this to attempt to 'migrate' to the new computer..? Am I missing anything here?
As one might infer from the first sentence, when LAST I got to do this, Time Machine worked flawlessly... But that WAS a fairly long time ago (!) and I'm trying to be a 'proactive' in getting everything happening as quickly as possible, so... Input from those "more in the know..", please?