mickey136 wrote:
The names of mailboxes/folders suddenly no longer display in my Mailbox List. The folders are there and you can move down the panel to display various mailboxes in the panel to the right, but the only thing visible in the Mailbox List panel is the Number displaying unread messages. How do I restore the names?
Macbook Pro Big Sur 11.2.3
Mail Version 14.0 (3654.
Have you tried quitting Mail.app and relaunch ...
Have you tried rebooting your Mac and try again...?
—Try a SafeBoot https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201262
Takes noticeable longer to get to the login screen, does a 5-15 minute disk repair before it fully boots up, and certain system caches get cleared and rebuilt, including dynamic loader cache, etc.
Login and test. Reboot as normal and test as caches get rebuilt.
In Safe mode third party system modifications and system accelerations are disabled, it removes malware, etc hampering smooth operation, however a reboot will put it back to normal mode.
This test will tell you if third party interference; extensions etc are not loaded in safe boot mode.
Uninstall all third party apps that are Cleaners/Optimizers/VPN/Anti-Virus