Cancel the CALM app subscription
How do I cancel the CALM app subscription that will expire on April 1?
iPhone 11, iOS 14
How do I cancel the CALM app subscription that will expire on April 1?
iPhone 11, iOS 14
Please click on this link to learn "How to cancel a subscription from Apple" -->
• "If you don’t see Cancel Subscription, then the subscription is already canceled and won't renew." The "Expires" date means the current subscription will just run until then.
• Deleting an app does not cancel a subscription.
• If you don’t cancel trials more than 24 hours before your renewal date, your subscription might renew.
• If you don't have an Apple device, see the options near the very bottom of the support document
"If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed", click here -->
If you still can't find a subscription, contact Apple Support using the link at the end of the support article.
If you still have problems:
Report A Problem; click here -->
Or click here --> Select your country, then a product.
Uh, by the way, April 1 is past. ;-)
Please click on this link to learn "How to cancel a subscription from Apple" -->
• "If you don’t see Cancel Subscription, then the subscription is already canceled and won't renew." The "Expires" date means the current subscription will just run until then.
• Deleting an app does not cancel a subscription.
• If you don’t cancel trials more than 24 hours before your renewal date, your subscription might renew.
• If you don't have an Apple device, see the options near the very bottom of the support document
"If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed", click here -->
If you still can't find a subscription, contact Apple Support using the link at the end of the support article.
If you still have problems:
Report A Problem; click here -->
Or click here --> Select your country, then a product.
Uh, by the way, April 1 is past. ;-)
Thank you for the correction ... my expiration date is May 1, not April 1.... That was my mistake. If I understand... if I allow the CALM account to expire ... it will NOT renew automatically?
I just know what the documentation says and it says if you do not see a Cancel button then there is no need to cancel it, it already is and will just run until the current period ends.
Cancel the CALM app subscription