The only thing I do is keep it in a nice padded case when I'm traveling. The one I use is from SF Bags and I have purchased several over the years from them in various sizes depending on the version of MacBook I have. Great Company, super service and quality products.
I never ever use Windex or any harsh cleaners on the display and only wipe the screen with a lint free micro fiber cloth and the lightest mist of "Quality" Screen / Monitor cleaner. A soft bristle detail brush is what I use for dust, pet hair on the keyboard and an occasional blast of keyboard compressed air.
For cleaning the finger oils from the keyboard I will spray a bit of 409 on the corner of a micro fiber cloth and gently wipe the affected keys once I have Shutdown the MacBook.
If in the future you have an individual key that may need replacement take a look at - I've used them in the past on replacing a few keys on my wife's MacBook.
The last caution I would advise is keep any and all beverage on another table or area. Spilled liquids and MacBooks do not play nice. It's one thing to ruin a keyboard but a whole different level when you ruin a MacBook.