static connection of iphone 12 to handsfree car bluetooth
What can be done to get a clear connection (not staticky) on hands free bluetooth car?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
What can be done to get a clear connection (not staticky) on hands free bluetooth car?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
Hello SJW9065,
Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities.
We understand that you hear static when your iPhone 12 is connected via Bluetooth to your car, and reviewing the Apple Support article If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker was a great start. We're happy to assist from here.
First, we recommend taking a few additional steps to isolate the issue a bit further. For instance, consider whether this is happening with a particular app, or if this happens with all apps. This can help determine an issue with one app in particular.
Also, see if static happens while connected via USB, and with another iPhone paired to your car. This can help determine if it's isolated to the your iPhone, car, or environment.
From there, ensuring your iPhone and car's software is fully updated can help resolve many unique issues. If you discover that an update is available for your iPhone, we recommend making sure your data is backed up to a computer or to iCloud:
How to back up your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
We hope this information is useful. Kind regards.
Thank you for your reply. I have done everything to trouble shoot this problem. I have been to the Genius counter twice, I have had my iphone 12 "repaired" and given an "essentially new phone - and it is still staticky. I only use the bluetooth with the phone, I do not pair it to anything else. I have even called my mechanic to see if it might be a problem with my car - My son has the exact same phone and my husband has the 12 promax - and both of those phones sync flawlessly to my car with no static in the calls. I am at a loss and really would like to try an actual NEW phone. There is something not right. This is crazy - if all the phones were staticky then I would for sure think it was my car - but that is not the case. Any suggestions, would be great. I have tried everything on the website and everything that was suggested on the Apple support call.
Thank you for any further suggestions - you could go in and read the notes in my account. Thank you
static connection of iphone 12 to handsfree car bluetooth