Mac Pro5.1 very slow with SSD, fine with HDD
My 4.1, flashed 5.1, 48GB ram and Radeon 5770 runs fine from 10.11.6 on a 1TB HDD. I installed a Crucial MX500 1TB SSD and copied everything from the HDD with Time Machine. Actually I did this stage in my earlier 3.1, which worked perfectly, then I swapped all the drives into the 5.1. If I boot from the SSD, after a few minutes the computer slows down: frequent beachballing when browsing, a lag of 1 - 6 seconds whatever I do eg moving files on the desktop or typing, and a 2.5MB Macdraft file takes 20 secs to open. Etrecheck reports below average performance. Because of this, and also because some saved music has developed holes, I assumed SSD issues, so I bought an EVO860 1TB and restored to it. The performance is just the same, ie unuseable. Booting from HDD, Etrecheck says the performance is 'good'. and the same file opens in 2 secs. I've tried: reset PRAM and SMC, clear cache using Safe Mode. DriveDX reports the SSD is fine. The SSD is less than half full. Pease can anyone help? Thanks, Alan
Mac Pro, OS X 10.11