Hi RussellJK,
I care what anyone in a discussion group is advising. This has been happening to me in Safari for months. My Emails are on a quest of their own lol.
Please understand, I by no means am trying to discredit Sravankra. He is absolutely brilliant and understands 10x more than I. He has help me out when I didn't know what the heck happened to me phone. I am ranting about the advice, Not Sravankra.
You're questioning on Apple Apps is absolutely VALID!
I take personally the response you received asking about a hacked browser:
It happened to my personal iPhone yesterday.
My advice to you is to contact Apple Security and let them advise you.
I have worked with them several times in recent years about iOS hacking/apple apps from developers in the APP store with malware and spyware.
I work in corporate administration and Apple Security is great!
Think about this as well, if iOS/ or any device model or app cannot be hacked and SravanKrA is blaming you for the problems on your device, HOW is it possible for our governments Top security agencies be hacked? Is that their fault? No. Brilliant hackers have algorithms they create daily, unfortunately for criminal activities. If the brilliance of these idiots were used for good, now that would be a perfect world:)
If Sravankra is stating that it's impossible on any iOS, why wouldn't Apple be the go to, non-hackable iOS for our countries leading agencies, since he's states they cannot be infected?
From:SravanKrA: Quote...
"iOS / iPadOS devices cannot be hacked or infected with Virus / Malware / Spyware if it is updated to the latest iOS/iPadOS unless you have intentionally downloaded spurious software or unauthorized apps directly from the internet and installed on your device or/and have Jail Broken. "
His words not mine.
There is and has "Never"been a non-hackable iOS/ ipadOS device. Ya sure we all can download from the internet a Virus's/Malware/Spyware. That's why it's "spurious". You're not aware that what you think is a valid safe site,( because Apple says so🔒) because we have NO protection from Safari doing whatever it wants as it wants.
I hope that you consider contacting Apple Security or at the very least Apple Support.
Be well.