Hey! Is there any way of deleting documents and data from safari because it seems to be occupying a huge amount of space of my iPad’s storage?
Hey! Is there any way of deleting documents and data from safari because it seems to be occupying a huge amount of space of my iPad’s storage?
Okay, you can try to:
Okay, you can try to:
To check if website data has been cleared, go to settings/safari/advanced/website data.
If there always are websites with a big amount of data, clear websites data from this setting page.
If there are no websites with a big amount of data, and it seems to be cleared, that means websites data has been cleared; if it’s the case, let your iPhone update your storage. To speed up the process, you can restart your iPhone.
”Documents and data” is the same than “History and website data”
To clear this, you just need to do what I wrote.
As I said, your iPhone could take few hours/days to update the space Safari takes on your iPhone.
Follow these instructions to free up space and delete safari data such as history and websites data
Thanks. It solved my problem.
Hey! Thanks again for your help. I should have mentioned it that it’s an iPad. I’ve tried doing what you instructed me to do, but it still shows Documents and data- 2.43GB
Thank you for your help but I’ve already tried doing that and it doesn’t seem to clear documents and data that is occupying 2.37GB of my iPad’s storage.
I read that on another forum as well but after waiting for like a week it still shows that
I cleared that website data and all but it still shows that 2.43GB thing even after a week’s time