EtreCheckPro version: 6.4.4 (6E015)
Report generated: 2021-05-23 20:53:41
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 5:32
Performance: Good
Problem: Other problem
Changing accent colour causes Dock and app switcher to freeze until â k
illall Dockâ is run in Terminal
Major Issues: None
Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
More than one antivirus app - This computer has multiple antivirus apps installed.
Apps with heavy CPU usage - There have been numerous cases of apps with heavy CPU usage.
Clean up - There are orphan files that could be removed.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. Apple has said that unsigned software will not run by default in a future version of the operating system.
System modifications - There are a large number of system modifications running in the background.
External drives and performance - There are external drives connected that could be affecting performance.
Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future.
Sharing enabled - This computer has sharing services enabled that could be a security risk.
Hardware Information:
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
MacBook Pro Model: MacBookPro13,3
2,7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 (i7-6820HQ) CPU: 4-core
16 GB RAM - Not upgradeable
BANK 0/DIMM0 - 8 GB LPDDR3 2133
BANK 1/DIMM0 - 8 GB LPDDR3 2133
Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 127
Video Information:
Intel HD Graphics 530 - VRAM: 1536 MB
AMD Radeon Pro 460 - VRAM: 4 GB
Color LCD (built-in) 3360 x 2100
MX279 1920 x 1080
disk0 - APPLE SSD SM0512L 500.28 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x4 NVM Express
disk0s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk0s2 [APFS Container] 499.96 GB
disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 499.96 GB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk1s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (Shared - 379.07 GB used)
disk1s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared - 433 MB used)
disk1s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared - 619 MB used)
disk1s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 3.22 GB used)
disk1s5 (APFS) [APFS Container] (Shared - 15.35 GB used)
disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (Shared - 15.35 GB used)
disk1s6 - Update (APFS) (Shared - 3 MB used)
disk2 - ST6000DM004-2EH11C 6.00 TB (Mechanical - 7200 RPM)
External Thunderbolt 6 Gigabit Serial ATA
disk2s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
disk2s2 - L*********3 (Journaled HFS+) 6.00 TB (3.67 TB used)
Mounted Volumes:
disk1s1 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
499.96 GB (Shared - 379.07 GB used, 163.23 GB available, 101.11 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data
disk1s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
499.96 GB (Shared - 433 MB used, 101.11 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot
disk1s4 - VM [APFS VM]
499.96 GB (Shared - 3.22 GB used, 101.11 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM
disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot]
499.96 GB (Shared - 15.35 GB used, 163.23 GB available, 101.11 GB free)
Mount point: /
Read-only: Yes
disk1s6 - Update
499.96 GB (Shared - 3 MB used, 101.11 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update
disk2s2 - L*********3
6.00 TB (3.67 TB used, 2.33 TB free)
Journaled HFS+
Mount point: /Volumes/L*********3
Interface lpss-serial1: LPSS Serial Adapter (1)
Interface lpss-serial2: LPSS Serial Adapter (2)
Interface en6: Apple USB Ethernet Adapter
Interface en0: Wi-Fi
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Interface en8: iPhone
Interface en7: Bluetooth PAN
Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
iCloud Quota: 35.34 GB available
Remote Management: Enabled
Screen sharing: Enabled
System Software:
macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 (20E241)
Time since boot: About 6 days
56 notifications
4 notifications
one notification
one notification (one scheduled)
CCC User
43 notifications
10 notifications
Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Antivirus software: Apple, Objective-See, and Malwarebytes
Remote Management: Enabled
Screen sharing: Enabled
Unsigned Files:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSInstaller.framework/Resources/OSMessageTracer
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Apps: 22
Kernel Extensions:
/Applications/Objective See/Installers/LuLu
[Not Loaded] LuLu.kext - com.objective-see.lulu (1.2.3 - SDK 10.14)
[Not Loaded] prl_hypervisor.kext - com.parallels.kext.hypervisor (16.1.1 49141 - SDK 10.11)
[Not Loaded] prl_netbridge.kext - com.parallels.kext.netbridge (16.1.1 49141 - SDK 10.9)
[Not Loaded] prl_usb_connect.kext - com.parallels.kext.usbconnect (16.1.1 49141 - SDK 10.9)
[Not Loaded] prl_vnic.kext - com.parallels.kext.vnic (16.1.1 49141 - SDK 10.9)
[Not Loaded] pcloudfs.kext - com.pcloud.pcloudfs.filesystems.pcloudfs (2064.16 - SDK 10.12)
/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Options.localized
[Not Loaded] LogiMgrDriver.kext - com.logitech.manager.kernel.driver (8.30.1 - SDK 10.13)
[Loaded] ham.kext - com.logmein.hamachi (1.0.0 - SDK 10.9)
[Not Loaded] PACESupportFamily.kext - com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.master (5.9.1 - SDK 10.6)
[Not Loaded] BJUSBLoad.kext - (10.75.21 - SDK 10.8)
[Not Loaded] CIJUSBLoad.kext - (16.0.10 - SDK 10.9)
[Loaded] SATSMARTDriver.kext - org.dungeon.driver.SATSMARTDriver (0.8.1 - SDK 10.6)
System Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] 14 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 151 Apple tasks
[Running] 168 Apple tasks
[Other] One Apple task
System Launch Daemons:
[Not Loaded] 35 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 170 Apple tasks
[Running] 156 Apple tasks
[Other] One Apple task
Launch Agents:
[Loaded] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-05-06)
[Running] com.adobe.GC.AGM.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-27)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-27)
[Loaded] com.adobe.ccxprocess.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-29)
[Loaded] com.avid.avidlink.plist (Avid Technology Inc - installed 2021-02-27)
[Loaded] com.gog.galaxy.commservice.plist (GOG Sp. z o.o. - installed 2020-03-15)
[Loaded] com.logi.ghub.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2021-05-07)
[Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.agent.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2021-05-14)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-03-05)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-05-15)
Launch Daemons:
[Loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-01-09)
[Loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-01-09)
[Running] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-05-06)
[Loaded] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-27)
[Loaded] (? dbb717cc - installed 2019-10-05)
[Running] com.bombich.ccchelper.plist (Bombich Software, Inc. - installed 2021-05-15)
[Loaded] com.gog.galaxy.ClientService.plist (GOG Sp. z o.o. - installed 2020-12-23)
[Running] com.logi.ghub.updater.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2021-05-07)
[Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2021-05-23)
[Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.settings.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2021-05-14)
[Running] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-03-05)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-03-05)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-05-15)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2020-12-14)
[Loaded] com.objective-see.blockblock.plist (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2021-04-28)
[Running] com.objective-see.dnd.plist (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2018-09-26)
[Running] com.objective-see.lulu.plist (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2020-09-28)
[Running] com.objective-see.ransomwhere.plist (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2018-06-12)
[Loaded] com.parallels.toolbox.CleanDriveHelper.plist (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2020-12-06)
[Running] com.parallels.toolbox.EnergySaverHelper.plist (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2020-12-03)
[Running] com.parallels.toolbox.UninstallAppsHelper.plist (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2020-11-30)
[Loaded] com.pcloud.pcloudfs.Mounter.Helper.plist (PCLOUD LTD - installed 2021-05-01)
[Running] com.spitfireaudio.LibraryManagerHelper.plist (Spitfire Audio LLP - installed 2021-01-14)
[Loaded] com.steinberg.HALionLibraryInstallerHelper.plist (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH - installed 2020-08-20)
User Launch Agents:
[Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-27)
[Running] com.coconut-flavour.coconutBattery-Menu.plist (Christoph Sinai - installed 2021-03-17)
[Loaded] com.dropbox.DropboxMacUpdate.agent.plist (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2020-11-14)
[Other] com.logmein.GoToMeeting.G2MAIRUploader.plist (? 0 - installed 2021-05-01)
[Other] com.logmein.GoToMeeting.G2MUpdate.plist (? 0 - installed 2021-05-01)
[Loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist (Valve Corporation - installed 2021-03-28)
[Loaded] mega.mac.megaupdater.plist (Mega Limited - installed 2020-11-12)
User Login Items:
[Not Loaded] LaunchAtLoginHelper (App Store - installed 2021-04-07)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Aspect Ratio
[Running] CCC User Agent (Bombich Software, Inc. - installed 2021-05-15)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Carbon Copy User
[Not Loaded] CardhopLauncher (App Store - installed 2021-03-16)
Modern Login Item
[Loaded] CompressorHelper (App Store - installed 2021-03-05)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] Day One Helper (App Store - installed 2021-05-06)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Day One
[Loaded] DeepL Launcher (Linguee GmbH - installed 2021-04-26)
Modern Login Item
[Loaded] DriveDxLoginItemHelper (Kirill Luzanov - installed 2020-11-11)
Modern Login Item
[Running] Dropbox (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2021-05-13)
[Not Loaded] GOG Galaxy Auto Launch Helper (GOG Sp. z o.o. - installed 2021-03-14)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/GOG Galaxy Auto Launch
[Not Loaded] HotKeyHelper (App Store - installed 2020-12-19)
Modern Login Item
[Loaded] Magnet (App Store - installed 2021-04-16)
[Not Loaded] Messenger Login Helper (App Store - installed 2021-04-07)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/ Login
[Running] BlockBlock Helper (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2021-04-28)
/Applications/Objective See/BlockBlock
[Running] LuLu Helper (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2020-09-28)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Objective See/
[Not Loaded] Launcher Disabler (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-03-05)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] OneDrive Launcher (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-03-05)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] OverSight Helper (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2017-09-25)
Modern Login Item
[Running] Parallels Toolbox (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2021-04-07)
[Not Loaded] Helper (App Store - installed 2019-11-24)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Red Lines
[Running] ReiKey Helper (Objective-See, LLC - installed 2020-11-22)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] Viber (Viber Media SARL. - installed 2020-10-29)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] VimeoLauncher (App Store - installed 2019-05-18)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] HelperApp (App Store - installed 2019-09-23)
Modern Login Item
Internet Plug-ins:
AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 17.012.20098 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-26)
AdobeAAMDetect: (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-05-06)
AdobePDFViewer: 21.001.20149 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-04-26)
Audio Plug-ins:
ZoomAudioDevice: 1.0 (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2020-04-15)
CiscoAudioDevice: 1.0.1 (Cisco - installed 2020-04-29)
Safari Extensions:
"Open In" button for Internet Explorer (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2020-11-06)
Day One (App Store - installed 2021-05-06)
Download Video (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2021-03-31)
Privacy Dashboard (App Store - installed 2021-05-11)
Privacy Protection (App Store - installed 2021-05-11)
Screenshot Page (Parallels International GmbH - installed 2021-03-31)
StopTheMadness (App Store - installed 2021-05-12)
Skip System Files: No
Auto backup: Yes
T*******r [Local] (Last used)
Total size: 1.02 TB
Total number of backups: 35
Oldest backup: 2020-12-06 13:36:33
Last backup: 2021-05-23 00:11:18
9 local snapshots
Oldest local snapshot: 2021-05-22 21:11:03
Last local snapshot: 2021-05-23 20:43:55
3rd party backup: Carbon Copy Cloner
System Load: 2.38 (1 min ago) 1.72 (5 min ago) 1.58 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O speed: 2.01 MB/s
File system: 25.53 seconds
Write speed: 1241 MB/s
Read speed: 2691 MB/s
CPU Usage Snapshot:
Type Overall
System: 5 %
User: 9 %
Idle: 86 %
Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
WindowServer 16.60 % (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 16.18 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
bird 9.44 % (Apple)
mds 6.28 % (Apple) (5) 5.06 % (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
mds_stores 1.62 GB (Apple) (21) 729 MB (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 721 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
CEPHtmlEngine Helper (12) 303 MB (Adobe Inc.)
Xcode 281 MB (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location)
mDNSResponder 31 MB / 5 MB (Apple)
Dropbox 4 MB / 4 MB (Dropbox, Inc.)
apsd 2 MB / 1011 KB (Apple)
biometrickitd 1 MB / 290 KB (Apple)
Safari 555 KB / 638 KB (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
WindowServer 7 (Apple)
bird 4 (Apple) (5) 3 (Apple)
mds 3 (Apple)
Xcode 2 (Apple)
Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 16 GB
Free RAM: 14 MB
Used RAM: 11.01 GB
Cached files: 4.98 GB
Available RAM: 4.99 GB
Swap Used: 1.06 GB
Software Installs (past 60 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2021-03-29 Toolbox for Keynote -Templates (6.2)
2021-03-29 Toolbox for Pages - Templates (6.2)
2021-03-30 Keynote (11.0)
2021-03-31 Pro Video Formats (2.2.1)
2021-03-31 DaVinci Resolve (17.1.1)
2021-04-01 Developer App (
2021-04-02 macOS 11.2.3 (11.2.3)
2021-04-03 Slack (4.14.1)
2021-04-07 Ulysses (22.1)
2021-04-07 Messenger (97.11.116)
2021-04-07 Aspect Ratio Calculator (1.3.2)
2021-04-07 Date Format Creator (1.4.2)
2021-04-07 GarageBand (10.4.3)
2021-04-16 Affinity Photo (1.9.3)
2021-04-16 Affinity Designer (1.9.3)
2021-04-16 Magnet (2.6.0)
2021-04-17 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (21.001.20149) (21.001.20149)
2021-04-19 æµ ç¨ å ¾ç¼ è¾ å ¨ 3 (1.2.1)
2021-04-21 Aviary (1.0.149)
2021-04-26 Adobe Acrobat DC (21.001.20149) (21.001.20149)
2021-04-27 OneDrive (21.062.0328)
2021-04-27 Xcode (12.5)
2021-04-29 Pixelmator Pro (2.0.8)
2021-04-29 NotePerformer (0)
2021-04-29 Logic Pro (10.6.2)
2021-04-29 MainStage (3.5.2)
2021-04-30 EarMaster 7 (7.2.9)
2021-05-01 pCloud Drive 3.10.2 (1.0)
2021-05-02 The Unarchiver (4.3.3)
2021-05-02 Spark (2.9.22)
2021-05-02 Vectornator (4.1.0)
2021-05-04 forScore (12.1.3)
2021-05-06 Day One (6.2)
2021-05-07 Command Line Tools for Xcode (12.5)
2021-05-07 macOS 11.3.1 (11.3.1)
2021-05-08 MRTConfigData (1.78)
2021-05-11 DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials (1.4.4)
2021-05-11 PDF Viewer (5.2.3)
2021-05-12 StopTheMadness (22.0)
2021-05-15 Microsoft AutoUpdate (4.35.21050901)
2021-05-15 XProtectPlistConfigData (2146)
2021-05-18 GoodNotes (5.7.3)
2021-05-23 Malwarebytes for Mac (1.0)
Clean up:
~/Library/Application Support/LogMeInInc/GoToMeeting/G2MUpdate
Executable not found
~/Library/Application Support/LogMeInInc/GoToMeeting/G2MUpload
Executable not found
Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
2021-05-23 13:44:30 Crash
Executable: /Applications/
Assertion failed: (buffer_size == sizeof(ref_upacket.size)), function
-[PTUSBChannel scheduleReadPacketWithCallback:]_block_invoke, file /Us
ers/***/Repos/metaserver/Metaserver/Communication/USB/PTUSBHub.m, line
2021-05-22 21:12:34 mdsync High CPU Use (4 times)
Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdsync
2021-05-19 00:22:58 DuckDuckGo Privacy Crash
Executable: /Applications/DuckDuckGo Privacy
2021-05-19 00:12:17 trustd High CPU Use
Executable: /usr/libexec/trustd
2021-05-18 20:37:16 signpost_reporter High CPU Use
Executable: /usr/libexec/signpost_reporter
2021-05-17 22:03:10 backupd High CPU Use
Executable: /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/backupd
2021-05-17 16:46:25 High CPU Use
Executable: /Applications/
End of report